Saturday, December 7, 2013

Spotted Owl

Factual Description:-

Common name:- Spotted owl
Scientific name:- Strix occidentalis

# The Spotted Owl is a species of true owl. 
# Spotted owl has a length of 43 cm, a wingspan of 114 cm and a weight of around 600 gm. 
# Medium-sized, nocturnal, spotted owl is primarily brown and is covered in white spots. 
# Spotted owl is not always spotted, owlets are born entirely white and only get their spots once they have matured. 
# Spotted owls are nocturnal, sit and wait predators. They often hunt from a perch and swoop or pounce on prey. They also grab arboreal prey from tree boles and limbs. They do occasionally hunt during the day and will hawk prey such as insects or bats. 
# Diet also includes wood rats, mice, reptiles, amphibians and insects. 
# Call sounds like ''hoo-hooooo-hooo'', ''hoot-hoot-hoot', ''co-weeep'.
# IUCN status of spotted owl is '' Near Threatened''.