Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Jacobin Cuckoo

Facts abut Jacobin Cuckoo:-

Common name:- Jacobin cuckoo
Scientific name:- Clemator jacobinus

# Jacobin Cuckoo is also known by other names, Pied Cuckoo, or Pied Crested Cuckoo. 
# Jacobin Cuckoo is a member of the cuckoo order of birds that is found in Asia. 
# It is partially migratory and in India, it has been considered a harbinger of the Monsoon rains due to the timings of its arrival. 
# This is medium sized bird, having slim back and white cuckoo with a crest is distinctive. The white wing patch on the black wing and the pattern make it unmistakable even in flight. 
# Jacobin Cuckoo is averaging about 33 cm in length. Adults have a prominent crest and a long, graduated tail. 
# Jacobin Cuckoo feed on various insects and caterpillars. 
# Makes a persistent and loud 'pipew pipew pipew' calls. 
# IUCN status of jacobin cuckoo is ''Least Concern''.