Monday, December 2, 2013

Crested Lark

Facts about Crested Lark:-

Common name:- Crested Lark
Scientific name:- Galerida cristata

# Crested Lark is a species of lark, distinguished from the other 81 species of lark by the crest of feathers that rise up in territorial or courtship displays and when singing. 
# Height is about 17 cm and a wingspan of 29 to 38 cm, weighing between 37 and 55g. 
# It is a small, brown bird and has a short tail with light brown outer feathers. 
# This is a common of bird of dry, open country and is often seen by roadsides or in cereal fields, although it is also found occupying small, sandy patches by railways, docks and airfields. 
# Diet is mainly vegetarian, primarily feeds on grains and seeds, such as oats, wheat and barley but will also eat insects, particularly beetles, with food either being scavenged from the ground or dug up.
# Residential bird.