Friday, December 20, 2013

Black Kite

    Factual description:-

Common name:- Black kite
Scientific name:- Milvus migrans

# Hovers all over Delhi, India. 
# With a distribution that spreads over four continents, the black kite is probably the world's most abundant bird of prey. 
# Found everywhere, has a immense range it is no surprise that the black kite occupies a wide variety of natural and artificial habitats from wetlands, river edges, woodland, to villages, towns and even big cities. 
# Black kite is likely to be the world's common raptor. 
# Black kite are opportunistic hunters and are more likely to scavenge. 
# Spends a lot of time soaring and gliding in thermals in search of food. 
# Carnivorous bird but seen foraging on human food scraps and garbage. 
# The black kite is an extremely gregarious species.
# IUCN status of black kite is ''Least Concern''.