Friday, October 11, 2013

Red-Whiskered Bulbul

Facts about Red-Whiskered Bulbul

  1. The Red-whiskered bulbul is a passerine bird. Commonly found in the tree canopies, in small shrubs. 
  2. It gets its name from the red whisker patch located below its eye. 
  3. It has a pointed black crest, white cheeks, brown back, reddish under tail coverts. 
  4. It feeds on fruits and small insects and they conspicuously perch on trees and their calls are a loud three or four note call.
  5. This bulbul averages seven inches in length and can weigh from 23 to 42 grams. 
  6. Often found in Dwarka's different parks and in the open fields from where they can feed on fruits and insects respectively. 


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