Thursday, October 10, 2013

Green bee-eater

Here is #one Green bee-eater bird which is commonly found in Dwarka's open fields.

Facts about Green bee-eater bird:-

 # The Green bee-eater bird is also known as ''little green bee-eater'' bird.
 # This bird is commonly found in open grass lands, agricultural fields in Dwarka
 # The bird is small in size, rarely growing to more than 18cm in length. 
 # This bird can be easily distinguishable due to it's bright green green plumage and attractive long tail-      feathers. 

 # This bird has a long, but sharp and narrow black beak which is perfectly designed for catching flying insects. 
 # More than 80% of bee-eater's diet is comprised of honeybees and the rest is mainly made up of other bee species along with numerous species of flying insects. 
 # Green bee-eater nest between May and June in tunnels dug into the sandy banks. 
 # Today, the green bee-eater is classified as a species that is in least danger of immediate extinction in the wild. 
 #However, the decline in both their native habitat and bee population numbers around the world, could have devastating consequences for the plucky little bird. 


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